Post by alec on Nov 16, 2015 17:58:55 GMT
Well, dropped Ekrueger a lot especially at the weekends team Tourny and have a rough idea on evolving the list for him. It'll still be a work in progress for a while but definitely getting the hang of him. Next pledge is paint the second stalker up. For extra a redo on ghetorix really ended up thinking the colours just weren't right also druids and druid solos/single druids in units. Full write up on the EKrueger stuff when I'm in less pain:(
Post by alec on Dec 5, 2015 20:32:37 GMT
Ok, forgot I hadn't put pics of the first Stalker up. Good news is I'll get that done in a bit or tomorrow, but here is the second stalker to tabletop level! A few bits and a little more highlighting needing doing on him. On the Krueger write up from spamming him in play here is the brief round up. After PKrueger supporting his army a bit, and having a little to do with protection V shooting and an amazing pretty much snipe infantry feat I wasn't sure when I started spamming EKrueger how I'd like him. Still find PKrueger a blast to play but slowly getting the hang of EKrueger. The shift towards more heavy hitting and using Ghetorix with him was quite fun too. A MAT7 high P&S warbeast with reach is always fun. EKrueger himself has a lot of movement tricks and the druids go really well with him. Being able to TK stuff out the way for charges, get an extra up to 4" threat by TKing the charger and the charged model (also turning it around in the process) is nifty too. Hell even just turning stuff around for back strike bonuses, really helps stalkers MAT6, or so they cannot counter charge (ol' Rowdy) or to avoid free strikes is well worth it. The gem though has been Storm Wall. -5" to enemy ranged weapons/spells if they shoot from within his control area of 14" AND I can choose which direction stuff scatters? Hell yes! Been pretty much a spell which is auto cast. Now Storm wall initially I found a bit ridiculous. After all it's 3 fury from his 7 to cast and cannot be upkept. Each turn it needs 3 fury spent on it if you want it. At first maybe looked really annoying but there was a small blessing in it not being an upkeep. Purification and certain other effects won;t work on it Pulls the teeth nicely there! His feat as well has been great. It's a very multi purpose one and can be used for either scenario control piints grab, defensively to stop charges, or aggressively to alpha strike twice with no retaliation with a lot of sprinting going on from the beasts and reform on bloodtrackers. Interestingly the effects are all separate parts, so models are pushed, models affected by the feat ie: ANYTHING in the control area lose 2SPD even if they are not pushed So yeah colossals and stuff immune to pushing are taking that speed hit and not charging next turn! A round up on him for me would be that I enjoy playing EKrueger too, though am still experimenting with a list for him to see what works to compliment the PKrueger list currently I think I got my weeks muddled up again, migraines and my backs been hellish of late but my next pledge is continue my tweaking of the lists and continue trying the current fun of Una and rotterhorn or two combo
Post by alec on Dec 6, 2015 16:56:49 GMT
Post by tkaic on Dec 8, 2015 7:04:57 GMT
Yep, Cygnar do not like Storm Wall, as opposed to loving the Stormwall. That spell alone broke my army, even with a range boost from Snipe my shooting was at the same range as Krueger's control range. Having to sit within charge range to fire POW10s ain't fun.
And turning Ol Rowdy to face the wrong way was just mean :-)
Post by alec on Dec 8, 2015 19:52:07 GMT
Hehe yes I liked that one Wasn't even to hit him! Cygnar still are able to extend some stuff to be outside the stormwall though so maybe look to see if they could go into one of the two lists if you reckoned there'd a good chance you'd matchup to K2?
Post by alec on Dec 20, 2015 17:47:26 GMT
With all the excitement of getting ready to do the Foodmachine event and planning some stuff for next year forgot it was this week to get stuff sorted for this. With it being the final fortnight of the year thought I'd go with get another caster painted. Even if it's meant to be a gaming pledge I can't see many games happening next fortnight really with the crazy xmasy stuff and sales etc. I'll certainly be attempting to hibernate away from peoples. Foodmachine tournament was fun! Though the timing being so close to xmas scuppered numbers who could show it was a really fun easygoing day and due to only 4 players I got to stick a bit of a narrative on the event as matches unfolded as anyone who is in the dark sphere facebook group will have seen . Load of donations too, two more lots (mine and the helper who's helping get it to the foodbank Tuesday) to come before the final count. DS were fantastic hosting the event and also donating a lot too! If I'm forced (though think Tom's given up policing the pledges!) to do a gaming type pledge does outlining the skeleton of next years planned events count? I put a lot of thought into it after all
Post by alec on Dec 22, 2015 9:08:59 GMT
May push the boat out here and say get some blackclad types done instead of a caster. So druids, the druid UA, UA for stones, druids with the woldshrimp and blackclads, aiming for roughly a half dozen minis done.
Tending towards slow grow Circle again at Cross as hitting my head off the Cryx Paintscheme and basing quite hard and it'd let me get the Circle stuff actually painted up completely. Well, a list at least! Maybe.
Post by alec on Jan 8, 2016 18:30:38 GMT
So the slow updates. These are all down to the stripping and repainting part. Been attempting to get something painted however each time I attempt it, it fails miserably. Was aiming to have the druids cloaks as offwhite (P3 frostbite, akin to GW space wolf grey) and shaded with blues added to get the darker colour. Years ago I started the layering thing as I realised base, shade, highlight I sucked at ad pulled it off rather well. Finally found something which worked for me, however layering up really seems to leave the cloaks just too blue.
Cutting my losses going with the traditional blacks on the cloak to keep it as close to the undercoat for now, will get em done just so it's more stuff painted up and practice more on other stuff on ad off till I get get it where I want it.
The good things to come out of this however are pluses. 1 The Gorax is almost done, though thought he'd end up stripped so didn't greenstuff gaps! Doh! Also if I had foreseen how he'd have ended up I'd have found horns from somewhere for him, made it a wendigo inspired gorax!
2 May have cracked a nice scheme for legion skin akin to the studio scheme. If I'm honest the cold feel from it really does scream everblight to me, even if I think a warm and striking scheme would work well too, they're dragonspawn after all!
3 My Patience at not having a tabletop standard army is pretty much used up. This should encourage me to paint more.
4 I tried to get the hang of two brush blending. Didn't work great, but think I'll keep PKrueger who I'm shelving for now as happy I've mostly learned him around as a test model to keep trying on. That cloak makes for a good subject for the technique, might encourage me to go back and try to shade stuff instead of start with a shade ad work up.
Will get some Gorax pics over the weekend hopefully he will be done by then and will be the first slow grow model painted! Still to try to decide on a caster for that, edging towards one of the Morvhanas to start learning those.
Post by alec on Feb 4, 2016 17:49:18 GMT
Ok, so really late update. It has been said I painted an stripped more models in December and early January than a friend painted the entirety of 2015. It was true. I had painted pKrueger however ended stripping him a few times as the colours just weren't right. So sort of painted a caster model. Still working on the colour and druidic colours test schemes. Went through almost a full pot of frostbite just trying to get it right! Anyway got sick of stripping druids Soooo yeah done a gorax quick to try to get the off white done. Between the regualr pain, migraines and ill most of Jan wasn't spent painting as I had hoped! However here's one of the old WiP pics that gives a rough idea of the gorax I used as a test piece for the off white colour. It's not quite right but it did give me an idea to convert a second one up. Will leave the gorax as is as at least there's paint on it till the second one is done. EKromac will like the second one after all
Post by alec on Feb 4, 2016 17:51:47 GMT
And for a change to using the normal druids to test the off white colour I was hoping to do for the cloaks with the winter theme I've used the Stoneward models. They're still very WiP too, but gives you an idea of the two looks I'm debating between. Amusingly both are as quick as the other!